
Why we’re here.

The truth is, college isn’t for everyone – another truth is, opportunity abounds for those who decide not to attend college.

Skilled trade careers are our focus, but we will be profiling all opportunities that require no college.

We’ll go out on a limb and say that if you are reading this – you like puzzles, you like to know how things work, as a kid you probably took things apart (and sometimes put them back together).

You can probably fix many things and people probably ask for your help, and you enjoy helping.

This may have had you thinking, I want more than a job and I want to work with my hands. Maybe you want a career but are not cut out for college and know a cubicle isn’t for you – so what do you do?

We are here to show you that you have so many amazing options!

What If We Told You That Your Hobby Could Be A Career?

  • Like fast cars, how about a career as a Driving Instructor?
  • Enjoy Creating things, how about a career as a Welder or a Carpenter?
  • Love the ocean? Become a Professional Fisherman!

The comparisons go on and on.

Make no mistake, education is important but it’s the right education, it’s the education that’s right for you that’s most important. A four-year degree may not be for you for many reasons, but trade school is a viable solution that could lead to a stable and comfortable income.

To borrow a line from the movie The Incredibles – “luck favors the prepared”, so get ready.

Our mission here at Blue Collar Brain is to help you find what works for you and to expose you to some careers that you may not have otherwise considered. Our ultimate goal is that you find success in whatever career path you choose.

Who Are We?

Well, let’s just say we are a couple that has been pretty successful without college.

jill caren, author at Blue Collar Brain

Jill Caren is a co-founder, but her partner in crime has to stay behind the scenes just a bit longer due to his employment! We will be sharing his blue collar story soon!

Learn more about Jill

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