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Rio Salado College - Estimated Cost: $6,834

Location: Arizona
Address: 2323 W 14th St, Tempe, Arizona 85281

School Details

Programs offered:

Multiple programs available across a variety of trade sectors. Basically, too many for us to list here! Visit the school website for more details.


Ozarka College - Estimated Cost: $3,991

Location: Arkansas
Address: 218 College Dr, Melbourne, Arkansas 72556-0010

School Details

Programs offered:

Multiple programs available across a variety of trade sectors. Basically, too many for us to list here! Visit the school website for more details.


Black River Technical College - Estimated Cost: $6,480

Location: Arkansas
Address: 1410 Hwy 304 East, Pocahontas, Arkansas 72455

School Details

Programs offered:

Welding, Tool & Die, Medical & Nursing, Firefighter, Agriculture, Automotive


Arkansas Northeastern College - Estimated Cost: $5,367

Location: Arkansas
Address: 2501 S Division, Blytheville, Arkansas 72316-1109

School Details

Programs offered:

Medical & Nursing, Aviation, HVAC, Welding, Construction, Manufacturing, Electrical


Southeast Arkansas College - Estimated Cost: $6,617

Location: Arkansas
Address: 1900 S Hazel Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71603

School Details

Programs offered:

Multiple programs available across a variety of trade sectors. Basically, too many for us to list here! Visit the school website for more details.


Institute of Technology - Estimated Cost: $21,178.00

Location: California

Riverside City College - Estimated Cost: $7,161.00

Location: California

Santa Rosa Junior College - Estimated Cost: $9,220.00

Location: California

Sierra College - Estimated Cost: $5,921.00

Location: California

Sacramento City College - Estimated Cost: $7,788.00

Location: California
Address: 3835 Freeport Blvd, Sacramento, California 95822-1386


Technical College of the Rockies - Estimated Cost: NA

Location: Colorado

Otero Junior College - Estimated Cost: $12,664.00

Location: Colorado
Address: 1802 Colorado Ave, La Junta, Colorado 81050


First Coast Technical College - Estimated Cost: $19,231.00

Location: Florida

George Stone Technical College - Estimated Cost: $9,643.00

Location: Florida

The College of the Florida Keys - Estimated Cost: $16,338

Location: Florida

Morton College - Estimated Cost: $6,382

Location: Illinois

Cecil College - Estimated Cost: $9,273.00

Location: Maryland
Address: One Seahawk Drive, North East, Maryland 21901-1900


Mineral Area College - Estimated Cost: $9,775.00

Location: Missouri

Three Rivers College - Estimated Cost: $9,018.00

Location: Missouri

Central Ohio Technical College - Estimated Cost: $10,863.00

Location: Ohio

Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools - Estimated Cost: $11,431.00

Location: Ohio
Address: 4300 Amalgamated Place, Groveport, Ohio 43125-9236


Polaris Career Center - Estimated Cost: $12,070.00

Location: Ohio

EHOVE Career Center - Estimated Cost: NA

Location: Ohio

Murray State College - Estimated Cost: $10,404.00

Location: Oklahoma
Address: One Murray Campus, Tishomingo, Oklahoma 73460


Western Oklahoma State College - Estimated Cost: $7,440.00

Location: Oklahoma
Address: 2801 N Main St, Altus, Oklahoma 73521-1397


Indian Capital Technology Center-Muskogee - Estimated Cost: $8,432.00

Location: Oklahoma

Western Technology Center - Estimated Cost: $12,056.00

Location: Oklahoma

YTI Career Institute-York - Estimated Cost: $11,593.00

Location: Pennsylvania

Lebanon County Area Vocational Technical School - Estimated Cost: $22,757.00

Location: Pennsylvania

Susquehanna County Career and Technology Center - Estimated Cost: $5,073.00

Location: Pennsylvania
Address: 2380 Elk Lake School Road, Springville, Pennsylvania 18844


Technical College of the Lowcountry - Estimated Cost: $7,833

Location: South Carolina

York Technical College - Estimated Cost: $6,915.00

Location: South Carolina

Aiken Technical College - Estimated Cost: $4,033.00

Location: South Carolina
Address: 2276 Jefferson Davis Highway, Graniteville, South Carolina 29829


Southeast Technical College - Estimated Cost: $15,186.00

Location: South Dakota

Western Dakota Technical College - Estimated Cost: $13,934.00

Location: South Dakota

Western Texas College - Estimated Cost: $4,952.00

Location: Texas
Address: 6200 College Ave, Snyder, Texas 79549


Tooele Technical College - Estimated Cost: $105.00

Location: Utah

Miller-Motte College - Estimated Cost: NA

Location: Various
Address: Various

School Details

Miller-Motte has several campuses on the southern region of the United states. Each location offers different programs, so be sure to check the location you are interested in to be sure the program you want to take is available there.


Lakeshore Technical College - Estimated Cost: $10,474.00

Location: Wisconsin

Blackhawk Technical College - Estimated Cost: $9,650.00

Location: Wisconsin

Southwest Wisconsin Technical College - Estimated Cost: $11,734.00

Location: Wisconsin

Nicolet Area Technical College - Estimated Cost: $5,933.00

Location: Wisconsin

Western Technical College - Estimated Cost: $10,217.00

Location: Wisconsin
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Disclaimer: Blue Collar Brain makes no recommendation or endorsement of any of the schools listed. All schools listed are from research we have done using a variety of sources. No verification of accreditation or school reviews have been done. We recommend you do your due diligence before enrolling in any of the schools listed.